
Congratulations to Mahnush
January 15, 2016, 10:28 pm
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Congratulations to Mahnush Movahedi who today just passed with distinction her dissertation defense on Efficient and Robust Distributed Computing.  Serving on her dissertation committee were Sean Luan (UNM), David Evans (UVA) and Maxwell Young (MSU).  After graduation, Mahnush will be will be moving to the University of Virginia as a postdoc to work with David Evans on Secure Computation.

It’s a great pleasure to have worked with Mahnush!  She and Mahdi will both be greatly missed in our research group.

Congratulations Mahdi
January 11, 2016, 8:52 pm
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Congratulations to Mahdi Zamani who just passed with distinction his
dissertation defense on “Scalable and Robust Algorithms for Privacy-Preserving Applications”.  After graduation, Mahdi will be will be moving to Yale CS as a Postdoc to work with Joan Feigenbaum and Bryan Ford on the Dissent Project.  Serving on his dissertation committee were Jed Crandall, Trilce Estrada and Brian Ford(EPFL).

It’s a great pleasure to have worked with Mahdi and he’ll really be missed in both our own research group and at UNM.